Error: Package Android.Support.Annotation Does Not Exist?

Error: Package Android.Support.Annotation Does Not Exist

Developing an Android app consumes a lot of your effort and time. And if an error pops up continuously, it can take ages to complete the project! One such error that developers found reporting about is the error: package does not exist pop-up that they see on the screen.

And you are probably here to get insight on the error and its fixes. So, sit back and relax as we walk you through the simple tweaks to resolve the issue. 

The support annotation error can pop up due to several misconfigurations or missing codes. And based on the cause, you will have to add a specific line of codes. So, to avoid messing up with the codes, go through the alternative methods right here!  

What is Error: Package Does Not Exist on Your System?

You do need the android support annotation package to add support or simplify the code you are using while developing an application. But it is frustrating to see the missing error on your screen while trying to migrate and use the androidx libraries.

Error: Package Android.Support.Annotation Does Not Exist

It is one of the most common errors to face while developing or running an Android App in Android X. It happens mainly because the X library replaces the support annotation package. Also, if you are using a previous version of the butter knife library, specifically, the version below 9.00, you are likely to face the issue. 

How to Fix the Error: Package Android.Support.Annotation Does Not Exist Issue?

There are some fixes that you can try to get rid of the annotation does not exist error while migrating to Android X. However, to follow the workarounds listed below, you need to ensure that you fulfill the prerequisites. And here is the list of that –

  • Without the Android studio version 3.5.1 or the later version, you will not be able to configure the Gradle tool properly. So, you must have that version before you follow our workaround. 
  • Make sure that the track of the Java Development Kit Software is of 1.8 com version
  • The Gradle tool should have the higher version or track of migration for the Android X project. It is better if the Gradle is of the 3.5.1 version. Once you have these prerequisites, you are ready to follow any of these methods 

1. Configure the Gradle with Added Codes

If the Gradle tool is not configured properly, you can struggle with the annotation error. So, for that, you have to configure it with these steps:
  • First, locate the build of the Gradle and check whether it contains the or not. If it does not, you need to add these keywords. 
  • So, to configure the Gradle, you need to add the following line under the Dependencies keyword. Look at the picture below to understand how to insert the keywords 
Error: Package Android.Support.Annotation Does Not Exist

After adding the missing keywords, the Gradle should not trigger the annotation package missing error anymore. However, if it still fails to add the annotation package, try out the next methods.

2. Modify the Error and Synchronize the Project

You can modify the file that is causing the error in the Gradle. For that, you need to add some code and follow some tweaks described below:

  • After finding out the problematic file, you need to modify the import annotations package in it with the lines of code shown in the image below
Error: Package Android.Support.Annotation Does Not Exist
  • Then you need to replace the path, so, open it with the ctrl+shift+r buttons combination from the keyboard
  • Now with the help of import android annotation, you need to import the package 
  • Or you can simply synchronize the project you want to run or develop further with the Gradle files. To do that, click on the Sync or Project Sync option you can see at the top of the screen and it will sync the files and project. Once you sync them, the error shall not exist.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q’s):

What Does the Android Support Annotation Package Do in Your Apps?

Before you run an Android application you have developed, you should use the support annotation tool or package. Because it adds support and prevents the apps from developing major bugs. Also, it helps to simplify the codes and reduce the common patterns of repetitive codes. 

Is It Possible to Add the Annotation Package Manually?

Yes, it is possible to add the support annotation library manually by adding some specific codes in the Gradle dependencies. 

Will Updating the Butterknife File Resolve the Annotation Error?

Yes, it is likely that once you update your butter knife to version 9 or later, it shall not trigger the support annotation error. You can replace some codes to update the butterknife dependency.

Is It Possible to Replace the Libraries to Easily Migrate the App?

You have to replace the libraries if they are triggering the annotation error while migrating the app. But first, you need to find out which libraries to change from the class mappings.

Will Adding the Gradle Flags Can Be the Alternative to the Annotation Tool?

Yes, if you want to fix the bugs or problems for the react-native, the Gradle flags will come in handy. You need to add two flags in the Gradle file. 


Just because you receive the error: package does not exist message during migrating, does not mean that you have to start afresh to avoid bugs in the codes. You can simply follow any of the methods we have described above to add the support annotation package. 

If you follow the methods successfully, your Android app can easily run or migrate. In order to avoid such hassle in the future, you can try to use the Butterknife 9 version to build any app. 

MD BiaJid

With a passion for technology and an ability to simplify complex Android issues, Mia Biajid offers practical problem-solving processes. Join Android Guider on a journey through the world of Android to unlock the full potential of your devices. You can overcome any Android challenges with ease.

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